One of the many ways Hope CommUnity Center builds community and trust in Apopka is bringing together stronger, happier families and growing love and self-confidence in individuals.
Without Borders, Without Walls
Our goal is to cultivate leadership skills and characteristics to engage in advocacy and activism. Fueling curiosity, creating connections, and learning by service creating personal and societal transformations.
Sin Fronteras Youth Group is a group of local high schoolers held every Wednesday afternoon during the school year. The youth group is full of life and laughter as they gather for the weekly meetings at the Hope CommUnity Center.
The program is directed by Nilka Melendez, Director of Youth and Family Services, assisted by several staff members and AmeriCorps members who help facilitate the weekly meetings and the many other activities and service projects of Sin Fronteras.
The Sin Fronteras program gives teenagers a variety of opportunities to gain experience about self and others, make meaningful connections, and become leaders in the community. They serve as participants in our Social Justice Group, Theatre Group, Toy Sale, Yard Sale, and Senior Retreats along with many other events throughout the year.
The youth of Sin Fronteras also serve as a source of inspiration to everyone here at Hope. Mostly from immigrant families, these young people show such heart and determination as they find their way in a culture that is not always welcoming.

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Sin Fronteras’ Theatre Group
“The Monarchs”
To develop a current and incoming group of students to learn their stories through different forms of art expression. Using an active partnership with Orlando Repertory Theater they will challenge themselves to learn to use their voices and be part of a presentation to diverse groups in the community creating personal and societal transformation.
The Monarchs are held every other Monday after school, from 3:00pm-4:30pm.
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To develop a group of twenty-five kids per semester to learn how to find their voice through art by studying and learning about different artists who use their art as a form of advocacy and activism. This group will create works of art that relate to their personal stories and their own leadership development throughout the program.
Art-ivists is a group of kids from local middle schools that meet every Thursday after school from 5:00pm – 6:30pm. Transportation is provided to Hope Community Center where they meet with ArtReach Orlando teachers and learn about connections, service, and transformation.
Crianza Con Cariño (Parenting)
“Mi casa es tu casa”
Over the course of 13 weeks, we will cultivate thirty families to feel more confident using their voices to address issues in an individual, family, and community setting to create leadership skills throughout the community that will continue our mission. Provide training and support for hosts families to strengthen their leadership and willingness to civically engagement and restore their own family.
This program will be meeting every Tuesday evening from 6:00pm – 8:00 pm. Developing skills, increasing family unity through activities both serious and lighthearted, the program promotes family values such as self-worth empathy, discipline, humor, laughter, and fun as they work through the following topics
Empowered Women’s Group
The Empowered Women’s Group is a space where women can discover and share their stories, similarities, and differences to develop their talents and skills to act changes in their own lives. Empower them and invite them to be a part of activism in response to the changes that we want in our community and have a special commitment where they can raise their own voices.
This program will be meeting three Thursday’s a month in the mornings from 10:00am – 12:00pm.
Community Engagement
Hope CommUnity Center brings families and communities together and preserves traditional celebrations from back home.
Social Justice Group
The Social Justice Group is composed of students from the Sin Fronteras Youth Group (Without Borders) who seek to develop skills in activism and become socially conscious in identifying systems of oppression in their community, schools, and family. These students strive to turn conversations about justice and equality into actions that serve and engage their community.
Facilitated by Silvia Ruiz Villanueva (CommUnity Organizer & Youth Advocate) and Edith Tavera (Youth & Family Assistant) and volunteers. They work together to provide a safe space for educational discussions and create volunteer engagement work.
Social Justice meetings are held every other Monday after school, from 3:00pm-4:30pm.