Volunteer Recognition Day: A Tribute to the Dedication and Impact of Hope Community Center
Volunteer Recognition Day: A Tribute to the Dedication and [...]
Día de Reconocimiento al Voluntariado: Un homenaje a la dedicación y el impacto de Hope Community Center
Día de Reconocimiento al Voluntariado: Un homenaje a la [...]
HOPE Rising: Transforming the Lives of Young Students for over 15 Years
HOPE Rising: Transforming the Lives of Young Students for [...]
HOPE Rising: 15 años transformando la vida de jóvenes estudiantes
HOPE Rising: 15 años transformando la vida de jóvenes [...]
Celebrate Felipe’s Legacy with HOPE Rising: Empower Young Dreamers with College Education.
Celebrate Felipe's Legacy with HOPE Rising: Empower Young Dreamers [...]
Celebra el legado de Felipe con HOPE Rising: Ofrece a jóvenes una educación universitaria.
Celebra el legado de Felipe con HOPE Rising: Ofrece [...]
Mes de la Historia Afroamericana: Un momento para recordar, agradecer y construir
Mes de la Historia Afroamericana: Un momento para recordar, [...]
Black History Month: A Time to Remember, Give Thanks and Grow
Black History Month: A Time to Remember, Give Thanks [...]
A Reflection on “March for Our Dreams & Freedom” – Beacons of Hope and Solidarity
A Reflection on “March for Our Dreams & Freedom” [...]
Una Reflexión sobre la “Marcha por nuestros sueños y nuestra libertad” – Faros de esperanza y solidaridad
Una Reflexión sobre la "Marcha por nuestros sueños y [...]
Hope’s official Statement on the recent immigration enforcement, border control, and asylum compromise backed by President Biden.
Hope's official Statement on the recent immigration enforcement, border [...]
Empowering Communities Through Service Learning: Unveiling the Heart of Apopka’s Transformation
Empowering Communities Through Service Learning: Unveiling the Heart of [...]