Education: A human right that paves the way to a brighter future

Everyone should understand that education is not a privilege. It is a human right! The true sense of the right to education means it is legally guaranteed to all individuals without discrimination. Governments are required to safeguard, respect, and fulfill this right, and there are ways to hold governments accountable for violations or deprivations of the right to education.
The right to education benefits both people and society. It is essential for achieving long-term peace, sustainable development, and advancing human, social, and economic development. It is an effective tool for ensuring human dignity, realizing everyone’s potential, and promoting individual and social well-being.
Education is an empowering right that has the power to bring marginalized groups out of poverty by providing better opportunities and economic mobility. It is also a monumental tool for understanding other rights and the responsibility that comes with them, so you can advocate for yourself and others. But most importantly, it allows for the full development of the human persona, allowing individuals to reach their fullest potential.
At Hope Community Center, our education programs strive to keep this right within reach of everyone! Our Elementary School tutoring program reinforces everything kids learn in school by focusing on their questions and difficulties. We also offer ESOL programs to adults with the chance to learn English in a fun and engaging environment. Additionally, we offer basic English and literacy classes to immigrant women while their children are in school through our MOMS (Making Ongoing Meaningful Steps) Program. At HCC, we firmly believe that gaining access to postsecondary education and employment is essential for empowering individuals and communities. As a result, we help students grow personally and academically by awarding scholarships to anyone in the community who meets the scholarship requirements.
Our advocacy programs also educate and inform the CommUnity about topics that concern them and teach them how to comprehend and defend their rights.
If you want to learn more about our education programs, visit our website or contact us today!